Thursday, August 2, 2018

“I Know the Plans”

By: Michelle Walker

Just when you think you have life all figured out
Something happens, something makes you doubt
If God is noticing your life at all
Or if He's busy elsewhere and you're about to fall.

So then you find a minute all by yourself
Somewhere to listen and ask God for help
And it's there when He speaks in a voice so kind
That makes you feel like the only child on His mind.

He reminds you of other things that happened in your life
And you see all the while you've been protected by Christ.
You realize that many years ago, God set the wheels in place
For what you need right now, made just for your case.

Everything that's happened to you, everything you've done
Brought you here and now, in preparation for this race to run.
What you thought was your downfall, the greatest test in your life
Is really where God placed you, so He can truly shine.

So instead of wondering about the little problems going on,
You finally can see what He's known all along.
Didn't He bring you this far, Didn't He hold you in His hand?
For your hope and your future, the one that He's always had planned.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,  plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11

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